
Card processing on the cloud: visibility, availability, scalability

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Financial institutions know the potential they could unlock with cloud adoption. Yet many have only dipped their toes when evolving their card systems. Pismo explores why, and then offers insight into our migration methodology, enabling effortless transformation at scale and speed.

What you will find

  • The surprising figures behind cloud migration in financial services
  • Why putting your cards in the cloud is the future of banking
  • How Pismo makes modernisation simple, from discovery to deployment
  • Why visibility, availability, and scalability are at the heart of the Pismo system


Cloud adoption is no longer the destination; it is the journey. Modern banking requires leveraging the latest technology at its foundation.

Organisations realise that cloud migration can transform their underlying infrastructure and ecosystem. Cloud maturity is becoming a benchmark by which forward-thinking banks judge their progress.

Market leaders know cloud migration can transform their underlying infrastructure and ecosystem. Cloud maturity is becoming a benchmark by which forward-thinking banks judge their progress.

Organisations must realise the industry is in the midst of a seismic shift. Adapting to them offers the potential for improved profitability, reduced risk, and greater customer satisfaction. But can legacy systems handle these changes?

The answer is no; modernising underlying infrastructure should be a priority. But how can one of the most challenging processes in banking today be achieved successfully? Pismo is here to provide the answers.

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